1991, Vol. 62, 1-2
Revue Internationale de droit pénal
International review of penal law
Rapport général / General report
Yoram Dinstein
Rapport de discussion / Discussion reports
Otto Lagodny
Daniel H. Derby
Bruce Zagaris
Gregory B. Richardson
Gregory B. Richardson
Developing trends at the multinational level
Steven Lubet
Rapport individuels / Individual reports - Questions principales contemporaines / Major contemporary issues
Edward M. Wise
Rapport individuels / Individual reports - Exigences / Substantive requirements
Illustrating the rationale of extradition
Michael E. Tigar
Richard A. Martin
Une difiiculté du Droit Extraditionnel
Jacques Verhaegen
Rapport individuels / Individual reports - Spécialité / Speciality
Rapport individuels / Individual reports - Défenses, exceptions et exclusions / defences, exceptions and exemptions
How to plug the terrorist's loophole without departing from fundamental human rights
Rapport individuels / Individual reports - Perspective procédurales / Procedural Aspects
Michael Abbell
H.P. Wissmann
Rapport individuels / Individual reports - Approches comparatives / Comparative and national approaches
M. Cherif Bassiouni
Hans-Jürgen Bartsch
EC interior market, the Schengen agreement, the opening of East/West borders
Wolfgang Schomburg
D.J.M.W. Paridaens
Article 696 of the new Italian Code of penal procedure
Franco Mosconi
Tizcana Trevission Lapacchin
Orazio Frazzini
Joao Marcello de Araujo Junior
Ved P. Nanda
N.L. Mitra
I.I. Karpetz